Sometimes life throws you some punches. What makes you different is how you react to those times. As we get older our hopes, goals, and dreams can change. The perfect life ten years ago may no longer apply to your present situation. Fortunately, you can change everything if you have the courage!
Ten years ago nothing was more important than building our wholesale handmade jewelry business, a legacy for our children. We spent night and day working, blinders on, seemingly unaware of the world around us. We focused on our goal so completely that there was no time for friends or family. We were on our own just trying to get everything done on schedule. All in all, we were quite successful but something was missing.
Copper Feather Art Jewelry Decorated with Copper Wires |
One day we woke up and the enthusiasm was gone, we were tired of the stress of our dream. So we decided that the dream needed revising. After many conversations, not to mention a little too much wine, we came up with a new plan. We were going to change everything; we were going to begin living the life we always wanted!
Copper Wires Flower Art Jewelry
We packed up the house and the kids and we moved far, far away. At times it seems like a fairy tale! We live by the sea; we go for long walks and spend entire days at the beach. We take drives along the coast and the views take our breath away, it is a truly enchanted life; a dream come true!
We still work on the
handmade jewelry business but we are a lot more relaxed about it. Now we are focused on our website and new designs for our handmade jewelry and unique gifts instead of the day to day running of the business.
Copper Wire Embellished Native American Earrings |
The wholesale jewelry business is now working for us instead of us being the slave of the business. We feel like we’re the ones calling the shots now. The world is our oyster and we are hungry!