When I began to think of what to write I thought I should give some pointers that we learned the hard way. Some of the advice might seem simple but most mistakes are simple as well!
Outdoor craft shows and festivals are wonderful and fun to do when the weather is nice that is. Unfortunately, the weather doesn't always co-operate with the show schedule. Always remember the boy scout motto: BE PREPARED! These are just a few suggestions to keep everything going well:
Handmade Art Jewelry |
1. Always have materials available to weigh down your canopy. We always had weights like paint cans filled with concrete, cinder blocks, empty jugs to fill with water for extra protection from the wind lifting your tent to OZ.
Sometimes you will have to hang on as well! This is especially important if you are in Pittsburg's Three Rivers Art Festival; the canopy was being lifted right into the air! I still have the scars on my foot from the cinder blocks being lifted up. What goes up must come down!
2. Always carry hammer, nails, wire, small pieces of wood, string, rope and the like. We like to make sure all our display boards were securely hammered to the tables so they wouldn't tip over on a customers' head when the wind blew.
3. Make sure to have all extra stock in watertight containers. Especially for jewelry that is on cards. If the cards get wet or dirty it can really be a mess. You will appreciate this more when you are up to your knees in water, mud, and sawdust!
Flower Art Jewelry Earrings |
4. Try if possible to put earrings on display boards or frames. This makes it much easier and quicker to pack up just in case of a storm or tornado. If a storm is forcast do not leave your display overnight. Broken canopies are not easy to fix and it's hard to get merchandise out of the trees!
If there are just too many storms maybe a shop would be safer and easier. Copper Reflections provides wholesale handmade jewelry and unique gift ideas to add that special sparkle to your store.
If you are lucky enough to have wonderful weather make sure to enjoy it!